When the PRC Penetrates the Northern Thai Borderland: Nationalist Chinese descendants and the Influence of the PRC and Taiwan


Aranya Siriphon, Chiang Mai University

This former working paper has been published in the International Journal of Asian Studies:

Aranya Siriphon (2016). THE QIAOBAN, THE PRC INFLUENCE AND NATIONALIST CHINESE IN THE NORTHERN THAI BORDERLAND. International Journal of Asian Studies, 13, pp 1-17.

About the HYI Working Paper Series: The Harvard-Yenching Institute is pleased to make available working papers by HYI affiliated scholars on topics in the humanities and social sciences, with special attention to the study of Asian culture.

The HYI Working Paper Series welcomes submissions from all HYI-affiliated faculty and fellowship grantees (including graduate students). Scholars are invited to post papers either in English or in an Asian language. To submit a paper, please email strogatz@fas.harvard.edu.

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