Wei Qiaowei


Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Sep 2011 to Dec 2012

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Wei Qiaowei is a Ph.D. candidate at Shandong University. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree from Harbin University of Science and Technology, and his Master’s degree in administration from Shanghai University. Wei is currently working towards his doctoral degree in Archaeology. His research focuses on center-periphery relations from around 2000 B.C. to 500 B.C. in ancient China. He has analyzed archaeological records in the Shandong region to explore relationships among different social groups, in particular the connection between the central area and its periphery. He will conduct further research on this topic during his stay as a visiting fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute. Qiaowei Wei has published two refereed articles on public archaeology in Chinese and one refereed article about center-periphery relations.

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