“附近”:进步教育学的一种新的可能?(Nearby: A possibility of progressive education)

May 31, 2022 | 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM


Xiang Biao | Professor, Director, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Germany


Yang Lichao | Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2021-22


Wang Xiying | Professor, Beijing Normal University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2019-20

Beijing Normal University & HYI international webinar series on Sociology and Education

The event will be held virtually over Zoom. To join the meeting, enter the following information:

Meeting ID: 82242811015
Passcode: 332313
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82242811015
(Please note: Meeting ID and passcode were updated as of 5/26/22)

The talk will be held from 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM US East Coast time.

Language: The lecture will be given in Chinese.

Talk synopsis: 巴西教育学家Paulo Freire的教育哲学致力于克服人们对自由的恐惧。人们之所以害怕自由,是因为自由意味着自主的选择和为此选择要担负的责任。要克服对自由的恐惧,Paulo Freire强调要唤起人们的“矛盾意识”,即充分认识到生活中的多重的矛盾而不是去回避矛盾。在今天,年轻人普遍有强烈的矛盾意识。但这种矛盾意识往往引发了焦虑和无力感,甚至发展出更强烈的对自由的恐惧。本文探讨“附近”是否可以成为新条件下一个进步教育学的方法,通过具体的责任感来克服恐惧。

About the speaker: Biao Xiang 项飙 is Director of Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Germany since 2020, and Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Oxford before that. Xiang’s research addresses various types of migration – internal and international, unskilled and highly skilled, emigration and return migration, and the places and people left behind – in China, India and other parts of Asia. Xiang is the winner of the 2008 Anthony Leeds Prize for his book Global Bodyshopping and the 2012 William L. Holland Prize for his article ‘Predatory Princes’. His 2000 Chinese book 跨越边界的社区 (published in English as Transcending Boundaries, 2005) was reprinted in 2018 as a contemporary classic, and 自己作为方法 (Self as Method, co-authored with Wu Qi) was ranked the Most Impactful Book 2020. His work has been translated into Japanese, French, Korean, Spanish, German and Italian.

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