Harvard-Yenching Library Research Grant (2021-22)


This grant allows scholars with proven publication records who have identified a specific collection of Asian-language materials, digital or print, available in the Harvard-Yenching Library to apply for 3-6 months of research support to use these materials. Priority is given to scholars working on inter-Asian comparative projects and engaging in collaborative, cross-disciplinary and cross-national research.

Terms and conditions

This competitive fellowship is limited to supporting a small number of scholars working on a digital collection at the Harvard-Yenching Library in the fall semester 2021, and, if travel conditions permit, supporting a small number of scholars working in-person on unique print or digital materials in spring 2022. Fellowship recipients in residence may spend not more than 6 months at Harvard. For those coming to Harvard (spring 2022), the grant consists of economy fare round-trip transportation to Cambridge, a monthly stipend, and medical insurance for the individual scholar. For those working remotely with digital materials (fall 2021), the grant consists of a monthly stipend.

Fall semester library grants may start from summer 2021 onward, and applicants will be notified of their start dates after grant approval. Spring semester library grants must be completed by August 2022.


Applicants must be based at an institution of higher education outside of the United States at the time of application. Applicants must currently be full-time faculty or researchers affiliated with an institution of higher education. Preference will be given to scholars at Asia-based universities. Harvard-Yenching Institute alumni are welcome to apply.

If you have any questions about eligibility, please contact HYI.

Application Process

There are two deadlines for submission of applications to this program. Applicants who plan to conduct research in the fall semester must submit an application by June 15, 2021; applicants who need to work on the Library’s print materials in person must apply by October 15, 2021. Please submit application materials by e-mail to hyiprog@fas.harvard.edu

Complete applications should include:

  • application form
  • research proposal
  • C.V. (including list of publications)
  • Two letters of recommendation from scholars knowledgeable about the applicant’s abilities as well about the research project being proposed. Recommendation letters should be emailed directly to hyiprog@fas.harvard.edu by the application deadline.

Applicants to this program will be notified no later than six weeks after the application deadline.

Please note: The Harvard-Yenching Institute makes this special fellowship program available only for the 2021-22 academic year. Please send your inquiries to hyiprog@fas.harvard.edu.