Chong Ja Ian
季風帶 Monsoon Books, 2020 (Chinese translation) – publisher’s website
Cambridge University Press, 2012 (English version) – publisher’s website
About the book: This book explores ways foreign intervention and external rivalries can affect the institutionalization of governance in weak states. When sufficiently competitive, foreign rivalries in a weak state can actually foster the political centralization, territoriality and autonomy associated with state sovereignty. This counterintuitive finding comes from studying the collective effects of foreign contestation over a weak state as informed by changes in the expected opportunity cost of intervention for outside actors. When interveners associate high opportunity costs with intervention, they bolster sovereign statehood as a next best alternative to their worst fear – domination of that polity by adversaries. Sovereign statehood develops if foreign actors concurrently and consistently behave this way toward a weak state. This book evaluates that argument against three ‘least likely’ cases – China, Indonesia and Thailand between the late nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries.
• 建國與「外國勢力」有何關係?
• 民族主義論述有關「外國勢力」與建國的部分有何盲點?
• 於近代,主權國家如何漸成各國間的主流國家形態?
近年,香港議題成為國際焦點。中國慣常的外交回應,是「香港特區維護國家安全立法的問題,純屬中國內政,任何外國無權干預,而放眼世界亦無任何國家,允許自己的領土上,有人從事分裂等危害國家安全的活動。」 美國近年對台灣的舉動,也總會引來中國外交回應,中國官方經常指控美方「嚴重干涉中國內政」。
About the author: Chong Ja Ian was a HYI Visiting Scholar from 2019-20.