Volume 40
Beijing: 商务印书馆, 2018
- Chris Hann, Eurasia: Concept and Reality in the Historical Context
- Kenneth Pomeranz, Eurasia as Scholarship and Politics: What’s Good to Think May Not Be Good to Build
- Liu Dong, Let Isaiah Berlin Clarify It Himself: Around the Axis of Liberty and Plurality
- Zhou Lian, Questioning Free Market Fairness: On John Tomasi’s New Classical Liberalism
- Shadi Bartsch, The Wisdom of Fools: Christianity and the Classical Tradition
- John Dillon, Plutarch’s Relation to the New-Academic Tradition
- He Lei, Purposiveness of Nature and the Transcendental Principle of Reflexive Judgment: Kant’s Transcendental Deduction of the Principle of the Purposiveness of Nature
- Chen Huping, Transcendental Self and Multi-level Reductionism
- Yang Lang, On Li Ji’s Life and Academic
Book Reviews
- Liu Dong, Cultural Analysis of Tragedy: From Ancient Greece to Modern China(Peng Shanshan)
- Long Yucheng, Under the Rubble: Solzhenitsyn’s Rebellious Writing(Liu Dong)
- Jacqueline de Romilly, Softness in Greek Thought(Yu Lian)
- Laurent Lavaud, From One Metaphysics to Another: Figures of Otherness in the Philosophy of Plotinus(Han Sui)
- Zhou Yukai, The Construction of Poetic Discourse in the Context of Zen Buddhism in the Song Dynasty(Ma Qiangcai)
- Chen Huaiyu, Finding Chen Yinke in the West: The Background of Orientalism and Occidentalism in the Chinese Modern Humanities(Xian Ruobin)
- Shoji Hirata, Cultural Institutionand the History of Chinese Language(Guo Jingyan)
- Jacob Eyferth, Eating Rice from Bamboo Roots: The Social History of a Community of Handicraft Papermakers in Rural Sichuan, 1920-2000(Zhang Jianjun)
- Janet Y. Chen, Guilty of Indigence: The Urban Poor in China, 1900-1953(LinYe)
- Vanessa L. Fong, Only Hope: Coming of Age under China’s One-Child Policy (Chang Shu)
- 韩可思:“欧亚大陆”:历史游移中的构想与现实
- 彭慕兰:“欧亚大陆”的构想:益于思者或跛于行
- 刘东: 起伯林而问之:在“自由与多元”的轴线上
- 周濂,:自由市场是公平的吗?——评以约翰·托马西为代表的新古典自由主义
- 白雅琪:愚人的智慧:基督教与古典传统
- 约翰·迪伦: 普鲁塔克与新学园传统的关系
- 贺磊: 反思判断力的先验原则与自然的合目的性:论康德对自然合目的性原则的先验演绎
- 陈虎平: 先验自我与多层还原
- 杨朗:李济的生平与学术
- 刘东:《悲剧的文化解析:从古代希腊到现代中国》(彭姗姗)
- 龙瑜宬:《巨石之下:索尔仁尼琴的反抗性写作》(刘东)
- 雅克利娜·德·罗米伊:《古希腊思想中的柔和》(于莲)
- 拉沃:《从一种形而上学到另一种:普洛丁哲学中不同形态的“差异性”》(韩穗)
- 周裕锴:《法眼与诗心:宋代佛禅语境下的诗学话语建构》(马强才)
- 陈怀宇:《在西方发现陈寅恪:中国近代人文学的东方学与西方学背景》(冼若冰)
- 平田昌司:《文化制度和汉语史》(郭敬燕)
- 艾约博:《以竹为生:一个四川手工造纸村的20世纪社会史》(张建军)
- 陈怡君:《贫穷之罪:中国的城市贫民(1900-1953)》(林叶)
- 冯婉珊:《唯一的希望:在中国独生子女政策下成年》(常姝)
About the journal: China Scholarship 中國學術 (2000 – ) is published biannually. The editor is Liu Dong.