Volume 42
Beijing: 商务印书馆, 2019
Liu Dong, Confucianism as Limited Rationalism
Hartmut Leppin, Monotheism and Religious Violence in Antiquity
André Laks, The Emergence of the Concept in Early Greek Philosophy
Liu Wanhu, Dunamis, Energeia, and Kinesis in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Theta
Meng Yue, Looking Back to the Forgotten Future:Sustainable Farming,Ecological Self-sufficiency and Natural Fertilizer Campaign
Li Bozhong, Fertilizer Problemsin Jiangnan Agriculture in Ming and Qing Dynasties
Ma Yong, A distant receding figure: Further Review of the Negotiation between China and Britain on Burma
Roger Des Forges, Li Yan:Chinese Literati, Rebelsand Counsellor
- Zhang Xiaowei, Wang Li’s Academic Course and Contribution
Book Reviews
- Pierre Aubenque, Problèmes aristotéliciens I. Philosophie Théorique(Han Sui)
- Pierre Destrée & Zina Giannopoulou eds., Plato’s Symposium: A Critical Guide(He Huagui)
- Algis Uždavinys, Philosophy&Theurgy in Late Antiquity(Li Cuiqin)
- Fuji Juned., Researchon Saichō and Kukai’s Version of Sanjiao Buqilun(Chen Zhiyuan)
- Jonas Olson, Moral Error Theory: History, Critique, Defence(Zhou Yili)
- Derk Pereboom, Free Will, Agency, and Meaning in Life(Zhang Ke)
- Zhang Hui, “Envious, Jealous and Spiteful”:An Anthropological Study of the Concept of Wealth(Cheng Yunfei)
- Meng Fanhang, Implements,Technology and Everyday Life(Zhou Xing)
- Orlando Figes, Natasha’s Dance: A Cultural History of Russia(Long Yucheng)
- Richard J. Smith, The Qing Dynasty and Traditional Chinese Culture(Yuan Jian)
- 刘东, 作为有限理性主义的儒学
- 哈特穆特·莱平, 一神教与古代世界的宗教暴力
- 安德雷·拉克斯, 早期希腊哲学中“概念”的出现
- 刘万瑚, 《形而上学》Theta卷中的潜能、实现和变动
- 孟悦, 回望被遗忘的未来:永续农耕、生态自给和自然肥料运动
- 李伯重, 明清江南农业中的肥料问题
- 马勇, 远去的背影:中英缅甸交涉再检讨
- 戴福士, 李岩:中国文人、反叛者和谋士(1606-2016)
- 张晓伟:王力的学术历程与贡献
- 欧本克:《亚里士多德难题I. 理论哲学》(韩穗)
- 戴斯特雷、杰安诺普鲁(编):《<会饮>批判性指南》(何画瑰)
- 阿尔吉斯·乌兹达维尼斯:《哲学与神感术在古代晚期》(李翠琴)
- 藤井淳等(编):《最澄·空海将来〈三教不齐论〉研究》(陈志远)
- 奥尔森《道德错误论:历史、批评、辩护》(周奕李)
- 派瑞布姆:《自由意志、能动性和生命的意义》(张可)
- 张慧:《羡慕嫉妒恨:一个关于财富观的人类学研究》(程云飞)
- 孟凡行:《器具:技艺与日常生活》(周星)
- 奥兰多·费吉斯:《娜塔莎之舞:俄罗斯文化史》(龙瑜宬)
- 司马富:《清代与传统中国文化》(袁剑)
About the journal: China Scholarship 中國學術 (2000 – ) is published biannually. The editor is Liu Dong.