Park Sang-Soo

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2014 to Jun 2015

University Affiliation

Professor Park is a historian of modern and contemporary China, specializing in socio-political history as well as East Asian transnational history. He is currently working on urban political history during the 1950s, focusing on ‘neighborhood space’ in Beijing. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Korea University, and Ph.D. from Ecoles des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris, during which he conducted research at the Institute of Modern History at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Department of History at Nanjing University. He was the deputy director of the Asiatic Research Institute from 2008 to 2013 and is currently a professor teaching Chinese history in the Department of History, Korea University.  


Authored.  중국혁명과 비밀결사 [China’s Revolution and Secret Societies, 1930s-1940s], Seoul: Simsan Publishing Co., 2006

Edited and co-authored. 동아시아, 인식지평과 실천공간 [East Asia: Space of Theory and Praxis], Asiatic Research Institute, Korea University, 2010 

Edited and co-authored. 식민지 점령지하 협력자 집단과 논리 비교 [Comparative Studies on the Collaborators and their Arguments during the Occupation and Colonization], Seoul: Sunin, 2009

Co-authored. 동아시아 근대 ‘네이션’ 개념의 수용과 변용 [Perception and Appropriation of Nation Conception in Modern East Asia], Seoul: Koguryo Yongu Foundation, 2005


“20世纪三四十年代中共在陕甘宁边区与哥老会关系论析 [On the Relations of CCP and Gelaohui(Elder Brothers’ Society) in the Shaan-Gan-Ning in the 1930s and 1940s]”,近代史研究 Jindaishi Yanjiu(中国社会科学院近代史研究所)No. 6, December 2005

“ 近代中国城市史研究之回顾与瞻望 [Retrospect and Prospect: The Studies of Modern Chinese Urban History]”, 城市史研究 Chengshi Shi Yanjiu (天津社会科学院历史研究所),No. 29, December 2013  

“日中戰爭期における中國人協力者(Chinese Collaborators)――硏究視点の省察 [Understanding Chinese Collaborators during the Sino-Japanese War: Review and Reflection on the Existing Literature]”, 中國硏究月報 Chugoku kenkyu geppo, Vol. 66, No. 11, November 2012

“동아시아 근대 ‘아시아主義’ 讀法: 系譜, 類型, 層位 [How to Understand the Pan-Asianism in Modern East Asia: Genealogy, Typology and Horizon]”, The Journal of Asiatic Studies, No. 4, Vol. 56, December 2013

“중화인민공화국 초기 北京 基層 거버넌스 체제의 구축 ― 도시 街道의 국가와 사회, 1949-1954 ―[Formation of Urban Basic-level Governance System, Beijing, 1949-1954: State and Society in the Neighborhood(街道) Space]”, Dongyang Sahak Yongu(Journal of Asian Historical Studies), June 2013

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