A Journey of Ten Thousand Miles: Vietnamese and Korea Envoys’ Travel Writings to China in Comparison

May 20, 2021 | 7:45 PM - May 21, 2021 | 3:00 AM

A workshop co-organized by the Harvard Yenching Institute, Chinese Culture University, Southwest Jiaotong University, and Hochiminh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM

Panel 1
Moderator: Prof. TIAN Xiaofei, Harvard University

Presenter: Prof. SUN Wei-guo, Nankai University, “A Reconsideration on the Tributary System during the Pre-Modern East Asia” (東亞古代朝貢體系的再省思)
Discussant: Prof. NIU Jun-kai , Sun Yat-sen University

Presenter: Dr. NGUYEN Hoang Yen, Hochiminh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HCM, “Diplomatic Gift Exchange between Vietnam and China during the Nguyen Dynasty – with the Comparison of Korea”
Discussant: Prof. TIAN Xiao-fei, Harvard University

Presenter: Prof. LIN Yu-yi, Chengchi University, “How to Record China? – The Acceptance and Transformation of Chinese Chorography in Chosŏn Yonhaengnok and Vietnamese Yanxinglu during the Qing Dynasty”
Discussant: Prof. YANG Yu-lei, Zhejiang University

Presenter: Prof. LIU Yu-jun, Southwest Jiaotong University, “The Vietnamese Envoy Feng Kekuan and the Shaping of Cultural Ideal of “Talents in Annam””
Discussant: Prof. CHENG Yun, Wuhan University

Panel 2
Moderator: Prof. CHEN Yi-yuan, Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Presenter: Prof. LAW Lok Yin, The Open University of Hong Kong, “The Envoys’ Cultural Competition in Beijing: The Case Study of the Contact between Chosŏn and Annan Envoys in 1795”
Discussant: Prof. WANG Si-xiang, University of California, Los Angeles

Presenter: Prof. HSU Yi-Ling, Chinese Culture University, “A Methodological Outline of Korea-Vietnam Comparative Studies: Some Examples from Premodern Era”
Discussant: Prof. YU Xia-yun, Southwest Jiaotong University

Presenter: Prof. YAN Yan, Foshan University, “The Competition of Discourse: the Literary Communication of Envoys between Vietnam and Joseon in the Qing Dynasty”
Discussant: Prof. BIAN Dong-bo, Nanjing University

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