Prof. Jiao Nanfeng (Northwest University, China; HYI Coordinate Research Scholar)
Discussant: Eugene Wang (Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art, Department of History of Art and Architecture, Harvard University)
Please note that the talk will be entirely in Chinese
两千年前的中国:西汉王朝十一位皇帝耗费两百一十四年营建的十一座规模宏大、内涵丰富的陵墓—-西汉十一陵,神秘莫测、疑问重重。今人或称“中国的金字塔”。 现代中国:三代考古学家,耗时一百一十五年,调查、测绘、勘探、发掘、研究;历尽艰辛。 在考古学家的手铲下:陵园、封土、墓穴、门阙、陵庙、外藏坑、道路、陪葬墓、陵邑等等破土而出;金银器、玉石器、兵马俑、珍禽异兽次第浮现。 考古学家的研究:确认了西汉十一陵的名位及排列顺序;掌握了西汉帝陵的建筑要素;大致了解了西汉帝陵的布局特点;基本总结出西汉帝陵形制演变的历史轨迹。 十一张西汉帝陵平面图揭示了一个真实的、由草创、发展、富强到衰变的西汉王朝。
Two thousand years ago, eleven imperial emperors of the Western Han Empire spent two hundred and fourteen years building tombs for their afterlife. The eleven gigantic constructions known as the Eleven Western Han Imperial Mausoleums remained for a long time mysterious and wondered. The past one hundred and fifteen years has witnessed the work of three generations of archaeologists making great efforts to investigate, survey and map, explore, excavate, and examine the mausoleums. The archaeology work has revealed the structure of the mausoleums with their cemetery, mound, tomb, gates, mausoleum temples, external storage pits, burial pits, roads and passages, and the mausoleum town; and unearthed rich burial goods like gold and silver wares, jade wares, pottery soldiers and horses, birds and other animals. So far, studies have confirmed the identity of the eleven tomb owners and the order of their tomb location; gained an understanding of the mausoleum structure and components and the layout of the mausoleum zone; and a basic realization of the historical formation of Western Han imperial mausoleums. The eleven mausoleums truly reveal the Western Han Empire from its development to decline.
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