The Use of the Modern and Taiwanese Film History

Visiting Scholar Talks

Oct 31, 2024 | 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Common Room (#136), 2 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA,


Chang-Min Yu | Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2024-25


Alexander Zahlten | Professor of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

This talk will address a fundamental issue in the writing of film history: how do we articulate the relationship between modernity/modernization and film history without determination? That is to say, is it possible to formulate this relationship as a germinating condition for film stylistics in which filmmakers can be seen as making meaningful choices? I propose the use of the modern as a means to redress the often-simplified, unidirectional causality of modernity/modernization in global film historiography. My manuscript-in-progress, Modernism Disclaimed: Taiwanese Film Historiography Before City of Sadness, will be an exhibit in thinking along with mid-century Taiwanese intellectuals about the urgency of a modern cinema on the island of Formosa.

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The Use of the Modern and Taiwanese Film History
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