Trans-literary Experiments: Cultural Transformation and Social Change in Modern East Asian Societies

Apr 29, 2016 | 9:15 AM - 5:00 PM

A workshop organized by Prof. Lin Pei-yin (University of Hong Kong) and sponsored by the Harvard-Yenching Institute

9:15-10:45          Panel 1 – Transforming Genres: From Literature to Performance

Discussant and moderator: Prof Catherine Yeh (Boston U)

John Lai (Chinese U HK): Dramatizing the Bible in Chinese: The Making of Martyrdom in The Story of Maccabees (1918)

Max L Bohnenkamp (Harvard): From the Modernist “Integrated Art-Form” to the Chinese “New Music-Drama”: Transformations of Genre and Revolutionary Performing Arts in 1940s China

Luo Liang (Kentucky): Korean, Vietnamese, and Taiwanese Sensibilities in Tian Han’s Storms over Korea (1948-1950)

10:45-11:00          Coffee Break

11:00-12:30          Panel 2 – Contested Nationhood: Literature and Identity of the Colonized during Wartime

Diiscussant and moderator: Prof David Der-wei Wang (Harvard)

Bae Gaehwa (Dankook University): Rethinking a Nation State through Propaganda to Koreans during Japanese Total War Period (1938-1945)

Lin Pei-yin (HKU): Bifurcated National Narrative: Folklore Writing from Colonial Taiwan under Japanese Imperialization

Hamada Maya (Kobe University): Shifting Hierarchies: An Analysis on Mei Niang’s Emigrants 僑民

12:40-14:10            Lunch Break

14:15-15:45            Panel 3       Travelling Memories: Representation and Agency

Discussant and moderator: Prof Naoki Sakai (Cornell)

Xie Qiong (Harvard): The Polemics of Frontier Nostalgia: On Zhong Lihe and Hasegawa Shun’s Manchurian Experience

Sun Huei-min (Academia Sinica): Ubiquitous Politics: Bao Tianxiao’s writing career in Hong Kong (1953-1973)

Ishii Tsuyoshi (U of Tokyo): Appeasement in the Writing of Kim Sok-pom: Fiction and Traumatic Memories of the Jeju April Third Incident

15:45-16:00          Coffee Break

16:00-17:00          Roundtable and Reflections

Panelists: Prof Naoki Sakai (Cornell); Prof David Der-wei Wang (Harvard) and all presenters