Getting to know… Satoshi Narihara


A series introducing the Visiting Scholars & Fellows in residence at HYI this year

Satoshi Narihara (Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Kyushu University; HYI Visiting Scholar, 2023-24)
“A Comparative Study of the Integrated Governance of Real and Virtual Worlds”

What got you interested in your research topic?

I was inspired by the theory of regulation by Harvard law professor (then-Stanford law professor) Lawrence Lessig, who explored how law, social norms, market, and real and virtual architecture regulate individual freedom. This philosophical inspiration drove me to the world of cyber law.

Outside of work, where can we find you?

You may find me in museums, cafes, libraries, and bookstores inside or outside the campus. Sometimes, I play soccer with my son on playgrounds.

What would you want to do most as a career if you were not in academia?

I would want to be an architect if I were not in academia. I’m interested in the design of various kinds of architecture and its impact on humans and society.

Read Prof. Narihara’s bio on our website

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