Remembering Peter Geithner, former chair of the HYI Board of Trustees

In Memoriam

The Harvard-Yenching Institute is saddened by the passing of Peter Geithner, former trustee and chair of the HYI Board of Trustees. Below is a note from current chair Terry Lautz, commemorating Peter’s many contributions to the Institute and other foundations around the world.

Dear Colleagues,

With a heavy heart, I write to share the sad news of Peter Geithner’s death at his home in Orleans, Massachusetts on July 29. Peter joined the Harvard-Yenching Institute as a trustee in 2004 and served as chair from 2006 to 2012.

Peter was a wonderful colleague, friend and mentor who was always willing to share his considerable expertise. With a clear sense of purpose and a lovely sense of humor, he was kind, thoughtful and steadfast. Among his numerous contributions to philanthropy and civil society in Asia, he set up the Ford Foundation’s Beijing office in 1988 and played a key role in establishing the Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium in the 1990s. He served on the boards of the Japan Foundation’s Center for Global Partnership, the China Medical Board, the National Committee on US-China Relations and several other organizations, and was an advisor to Harvard’s Asia Center.

Here is a link to an obituary posted by his family:

Those of us associated with Harvard-Yenching are deeply grateful for Peter’s leadership and his life.

Terry Lautz
Chair, Harvard-Yenching Institute Board of Trustees

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