Chiung-yun Evelyn Liu
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2017 to May 2018
University Affiliation
Academia Sinica
Chiung-yun Evelyn Liu is an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She earned her B.A. from National Taiwan University, M.A. from Columbia University and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Her research interests include literature of the fantastic, mediations on historical memory, and the intersection of knowledge production, cultural imagination and psychological responses to the foreign in late imperial China. She is completing a book manuscript, which investigates how moral value, memory politics, literary sensibility and commercial media worked together in shaping and transforming historical memories. Her next project explores the function of sentiment in the process of knowledge reception and reformulation; particularly how Chinese literati coped with turbulent dynastic transitions and unsettling cross-cultural encounters through encyclopedic writing as means of reordering and comprehending the changing world.
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