Ding Yi

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Sep 2011 to Jun 2013

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Current Research Projects: He is currently working on a monograph titled “Observances, Feasts, and Scripts: The Varieties of Zhai in Chinese Buddhism from the Second to the Tenth Century.” He is also working on early Sanskrit and Tibetan materials concerning the practice of the Tantric feast (gaṇacakra).​​

Recent Publications

Antipathy, Ambivalence, and Acceptance: Chan Attitudes toward Ritual from the Eighth to the Eleventh Century.” History of Religions 62.3 (2023): 284–305.

“Telling Infelicities and Hidden Intelligibility: The ‘Interlingual Questions’ from the ‘Samyé Debate’ in Tibet (792–794).” BuddhistRoad Papers 1.4 (2022): 3–47.

“Ornamenting Liturgies: Scripts for a Zhai Feast and Their Liturgical Context (6th–10th Centuries).” Tang Studies 39 (2021): 41–67.

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