EOM Kihong
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Comparative Politics
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 2010 to Aug 2011
University Affiliation
Kyungpook National University
Eom Kihong earned his B.A. and M.A. at Yonsei University (Korea) and his Ph.D. from University of Kentucky (U.S.A). He teaches comparative politics and quantitative methodology at Kyungpook National University, Korea. His studies in American Politics and Korean Politics have been published in Electoral Studies, Party Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Korean Political Science Review, and etc. He is currently involved in a number of different research projects examining various dimensions of campaign finance regulations, corruption and manifestos. At HYI, he will focus on a comparative investigation whether or not campaign finance regulations reduced the perception of corruption in the U.S.A. This line of research will be expanded to include countries in the eastern and western hemispheres.
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