Feng Yue
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2016 to May 2017
University Affiliation (Current)
Peking University
University Affiliation
Peking University
Feng Yue is an assistant professor at the School of Archaeology and Museology, Peking University. She received her Ph.D. in 2021 from the School of Archaeology and Museology at Peking University. She also received her B.A. in Archaeology from Peking University in 2015 and was a Visiting Fellow in the Harvard-Yenching Institute Mesoamerican Archaeology Training Program from 2016-17. Her Ph.D. dissertation concentrated on the microblade industry and hunter-gatherer groups during the Last Glacial Maximum in Northeast Asia and America.
Current Research Projects:
Paleolithic-Neolithic transition in East Asia: Analysis of Ma’anshan Site. (National Social Science Foundation of China, Youth Program, no. 22CKG004).
Cultural development and interaction in Middle Pleistocene Southwest China: Lithic analysis of Piluo Site (Subproject of Major Project of Key Research Base for Humanities and Social Science of Chinese Ministry of Education, no. 22JJD780005).
Human migration and cultural exchange on Paleolithic Eurasian steppe: Paleolithic Sites in Xinjiang, China (China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, no. 2023M730062).
Recent Publications
- Wang, Y.P., Feng, Y. (2024). Asia, East: Paleolithic Cultures. In: Rehren, T., Nikita, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Archaeology (2nd Edition), vol. 4, pp. 48–65, London: Academic Press
- 冯玥, 黄奋, 于建军, 张晓钰, 何嘉宁. (2023). 动物踩踏与“假工具”:木垒县细石器遗址采集石制品的埋藏学分析. 北方文物, (05), 51-60.
- 冯玥. (2023). 七角井遗址与史前丝绸之路上的细石器. 西域研究, (03), 82-87.
- 冯玥. (2023). 中更新世晚期至晚更新世早中期印度与西南地区旧石器文化比较 研究. 南方文物, (03), 167-175.
- Feng, Y., Wang, Y.P. (2022). The environmental and cultural contexts of early pottery in South China: from the perspective of behavioral diversity in the Terminal Pleistocene. Quaternary International. 608-609, 33-48.
- 冯玥,李文成,艾涛,夏正楷,张家富,雷华蕊,王幼平. (2022). 新疆塔什库尔干县库孜滚遗址发掘简报.《考古》, 第9期,第3-13页.
- 郑喆轩,冯玥,谭培阳,王幼平,何嘉宁. (2022). 四川稻城县皮洛旧石器时代遗址. 《考古》,第7期,第3-14页.
- 冯玥. (2021). 岭南地区晚更新世晚期生态环境和生业经济研究——以洞穴遗址动物群分类栖息地指数分析为例.《南方文物》, 第1期,第142-150页.
- 冯玥,黄奋,李文成,邓婉文,刘拓,张家富,雷华蕊,于建军,王幼平. (2021). 新疆哈密七角井遗址2019年调查新发现.《人类学学报》,第6期,第1086-1095页.
- Feng, Y. (2020). Microblades in MIS2 central China: cultural change and adaptive strategies. Paleoamerica, Vol. 6(2), 139-157.
- 冯玥,于建军,何嘉宁. (2020). 新疆阿勒泰地区2017-2018年石器调查报告.《古代文明》, 第14期, 第1-18页.
- 冯玥. (2019). 黑曜石生产与奥尔梅克“母文化”和“姊妹文化”假说——中美洲圣何塞摩哥提和圣劳伦佐遗址黑曜石工业与社会复杂化模式.《考古学集刊》,第22期,第279-293页.
- 冯玥,汪松枝,李昱龙,邓婉文. (2018). 2015年郑州老奶奶庙遗址第2地点发掘简报.《中原文物》,第6期, 第16-21页.
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