Huang Jie
Visiting Fellow
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2015 to Dec 2016
University Affiliation (Current)
Shandong University
University Affiliation
Wuhan University
Huang Jie received his Ph.D. in Chinese history (2017) and B.A. in literature (2010) from Wuhan University. He is currently an assistant research fellow at the Advanced Institute for Confucian Studies, Shandong University, China. His research concentrates on the study of Chinese paleographical materials, including bronze inscriptions and Warring States bamboo strip manuscripts, and the reinterpretation of transmitted early Chinese texts in light of excavated texts.
His dissertation, submitted in May 2017, tries to reinterpret certain words and sections in the text of the Kang gao, Jiu gao and Zi cai chapters of the Shang shu 尚書(Book of Documents) based on materials gleaned from both received and excavated early Chinese texts. As the first step of a larger project of reinterpreting the text of the transmitted Shang shu in light of unearthed documents, this study is done with the intention of not only promoting the understanding of the text of these three chapters, but also providing an example of conducting new study of old classics based on both received and excavated early Chinese texts.
《尚書·康誥》考釋四則[Four Interpretations of the Kang Gao Chapter of the Shangshu]. Wen shi 文史 [Literature and History] 2017(3).
釋古文字中的一些“沐”字[Deciphering Several “mu” in Chinese Paleographic Materials]. Zhongguo wenzi 中國文字 [Chinese Writings] 43 (2017): 107-128.
據楚簡說金文及《酒誥》“衋”字[Discussion of the Character “xi” in Bronze Inscriptions and the Jiugao chapter of the Shangshu].北京大學出土文獻研究所[Institute for the Study of Excavated Texts, Peking University] ed. Qingtongqi yu jinwen青銅器與金文[Bronze Vessels and Inscriptions] 1,Shanghai: Shanghai guji, 2017.03: 585-590.
清華簡《筮法》補釋[Supplementary Interpretations of the Shi fa Text in the Tsinghua University Collection of Bamboo-strip Manuscripts]. Zhouyi yanjiu周易研究[Studies of Zhouyi] 2017(2): 16-23.
《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(八)》補釋六則[Six Supplementary Annotations to the 8th Volume of the Warring States Chu Bamboo-strip Texts Collected by the Shanghai Museum]. Jianghan kaogu江漢考古 [Archaeology of the Yangtze and Han River Valleies] 2017(1): 120-123.
說楚簡中的兩個“區”字[Discussions of the Character ‘qu’ in Excavated Chu Bamboo-strip Manuscripts]. Jianbo 簡帛 [Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts] 13 (2016): 11-14.
隨州文峰塔曾侯與編鐘銘文補釋[Supplementary Interpretations of the Inscriptions of the Chime Bells Excavated from Wenfeng ta, Suizhou]. Zhongguo wenzi 中國文字 [Chinese Writings] 42 (2016): 187-214.
清華簡《芮良夫毖》補釋[Supplementary Interpretations of the Ruiliangfu bi Text in the Tsinghua Manuscripts]. Jianbo Yanjiu 簡帛研究 [Studies of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts] 2015.2 (2015): 1-24.
《嶽麓書院藏秦簡(叁)》釋文註釋商補[Discussions of the Transcription and Annotations of the Third Volume of Qin Dynasty Strips in the Yuelu Academy]. Jianbo 簡帛[Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts] 10 (2015): 115-122.
郭店簡訓詁二則[Interpreting Two Words in the Guodian Manuscripts]. Jianbo yanjiu 簡帛研究[Studies of Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts] 2013 (2014): 27-34.
《忠信之道》“此”與《招魂》“些”[Discussions of the Character ‘ci’ in the Zhongxin zhi dao Text of Guodian Manuscripts and the Character ‘suo’ in the Zhao hun Text]. Guangming ribao光明日報, 05/27/2014.
疑尊、疑卣及“栗成左”戈銘文補釋[On the Inscriptions of Yi Zun, Yi You and “Licheng zuo” Dagger-axe]. Zhongguo guojia bowuguan guankan 中國國家博物館館刊 [Journal of the National Museum of China] 2014(5): 78-82.
再議清華簡《皇門》“門”及相關問題[Discussions of the ‘gu men’ in the Huang men Text of Tsinghua Bamboo Manuscripts]. Zhongguo wenzi yanjiu中國文字研究 [Studies of Chinese Writing] 19 (2014): 74-77.
放馬灘秦簡《丹》篇與北大秦牘《泰原有死者》研究[A Study of the Dan Text in the Qin Manuscripts Excavated from Fangmatan and the Taiyuan you sizhe Text in the Peking University Collection of Qin Manuscripts]. Renwen Lun cong人文論叢 [Humanities Studies] 2013 (2013): 433-58.
郭店楚簡《成之聞之》補釋一則[A Supplementary Annotation of the Cheng zhi wen zhi Text in the Guodian Chu Manuscripts]. Luojia Shi Yuan 珞珈史苑 [Luojia Historical Studies] 2012 (2013): 24-30.
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