Jane Lim
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2022 to May 2023
University Affiliation
Seoul National University
Jane Lim is an Associate Professor at the department of English Language and Literature at Seoul National University, South Korea. She specializes in British literature of the long eighteenth century with a specific focus on 17th and 18th-century prose fiction that engages with extranational imagination. Her interest lies in how genres such as Gothic literature, Oriental tales, captivity narratives, and domestic fiction collapse to shape a translational and transnational history of “the” English novel. Her publications include articles on Daniel Defoe and Thomas Southerne, as well as women writers including Eliza Haywood, Susanna Centlivre, Penelope Aubin, and Lady Wortley Montagu. Her current project attempts to map out the imaginary narrative transaction between Britain and East Asia in the eighteenth century, with a focus on pseudo-Oriental tales and literary impostors that participate in a discursive process of actively producing, imitating, and trafficking (imaginary) narratives from Asia.
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