Jin Jungwon
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2016 to May 2017
University Affiliation
Academia Sinica
Jin Jungwon is an Associate Research Fellow in the Institute of Taiwan History at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She received her Ph.D. in Modern Chinese History from the University of Tokyo in 2003, and did her post-grad research in the Institute of Modern History at Academia Sinica prior to taking her current position. After joining the Institute of Taiwan History, her research interests primarily lie in the voluntary and involuntary migration of under-privileged people within the Japanese Empire, with emphasis on sex workers, vagabonds, disabled people and other social outcasts. At the Harvard-Yenching Institute, she will further study the influx of prostitutes from Mainland Japan, Ryukyu and Korea to the Pescadores Islands during Japanese colonial rule (1895-1945).
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