Kamimura Yasuhiro
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2012 to Jun 2013
University Affiliation
Nagoya University
Yasuhiro Kamimura is Associate Professor of Welfare Sociology and Comparative Social Policy at Nagoya University, Japan. He studied at the University of Tokyo, and worked there and at Hosei University. He has published on the development of welfare states in East Asia, new corporatism in Korea and Taiwan, and social foundations of East Asian social policy.
In English:
KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, 2006, “Welfare states in East Asia: Similar Conditions, Different Past and Divided Future,” NAKAGAWA Junji (ed.), Managing Development: Globalization, Economic Restructuring and Social Policy, Routledge, pp.306-332.
KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, 2009, “The Tripartite Relationship and Social Policy in Taiwan: Searching for a New Corporatism?,” USAMI Koichi (ed.), Nonstandard Employment under Globalisation, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.142-175.
KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, 2010, “Social Foundations of East Asian Social Policy,” The Sociological Review of Nagoya University, No.30, pp.87-100.
KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, 2010, “Employment Structure and Unemployment Insurance in East Asia: Establishing Social Protection for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth,” Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (ed.), Towards a More Resilient Society: Lessons from Economic Crisis (Report of the Social Resilience Project), pp.153-170.
KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, 2011, “Present and Future of the Japanese Welfare Regime: A Way to Reconcile Stability with Flexibility?,” Shim Chang Hack and Cho Young Hoon (eds.), New Paradigm in Social Policy, Seoul: ORUEM Publishing House, pp.207-221.
KAMIMURA Yasuhiro, 2012, “Varieties of Labor Market and Social Security in East Asia: Tackling the Barrier of Informal Employment,” Japan National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation (ed.), Towards a More Resilient Society: Lessons from Economic Crises (Report of the Social Resilience Project 2011), pp.129-149.
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