KAMIO Mitsuo

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Sep 1980 to Aug 1981

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Current research projects and interests: Cross-Atlantic Cultural Milieu

Recent Publications

The Twilight Realms of Consciousness: From Romantic To Postmodern (Tokyo: Ehosha, 2010). English.Reality Crisis: Golding,Conrad, Woolf, and Auster (Tokyo: Eihosha, 2008). Japanese.The Alpine Flâneur: The Aesthetics of the Visionary Perception of Nature in Romanticism (Tokyo: Yumi Press, 2001). Japanese.The Epiphany of the Other: English Gothic Novels (Tokyo: Kindai-Bungeisha, 1994). Japanese.Darkness, Flight, and the Abyss of the Mind: From Classic to Romantic (Tokyo: Eihosha, 1989). Japanese.

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