KATO Morimichi
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Philosophy of Education
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 1996 to Jun 1997
University Affiliation (Current)
Sophia University
University Affiliation
Tohoku University
Current Research Projects and Interests: Together with Prof. Duck-Joo Kwak of Seoul National University and Prof. Ruyu Hung of National Chiayi University, Taipei, Professor Kato is working to create a forum for younger scholars of philosophy of education in Japan, Korea and Taiwan. This forum, which will include other East Asian countries in the future, aims to break the iron wall of nationality and language and tries to bring scholars from these countries into a fruitful discussion with each other as well as with the West.
Recent Publications
“What it means to be a Cultivated Person in the Age of Globalization”, The Korean Journal of Philosophy of Education, vol. 44, February, 2009, pp.
157-171. 「教育における二つの近代 - ヒューマニズムと認識論 -」、『教育哲学研究』100号記念特別号、2009年11月、297-31Ⅰ頁。
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