Lee Hunmi
Visiting Fellow
Field of Study
International Relations
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 2009 to Dec 2010
University Affiliation
Seoul National University
LEE Hunmi is a Ph.D. candidate in International Relations at Seoul National University, South Korea. Her research aim is to map out a historical structure of knowledge diffusion and examine its political role in East Asia. Accordingly, she focuses on (i) the international and inter-civilizational circulation of significant political issues, books, and ideas, and (ii) the role of a creative reinterpretation intervening in translation by the agents who initiated international transfer. While at the Harvard Yenching Institute as a visiting fellow, she worked on her doctoral dissertation (“International Origins of the Patriotic Enlightenment of Korea under Japanese Protectorate Rule”), designed to reflect the discontinuity of meaning and historical contingencies peculiar to the ‘imported-modern’ or pre-colonial situation of Korea.
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