Trisha Tsui-Chuan Lin

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2022 to May 2023

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Trisha Tsui-Chuan Lin is Professor of College of Communication, National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taiwan. She was the Associate Dean at College of Communication (Director of Master’s and Doctoral Program in Mass Communication) as well as the Chair of Department of Radio & Television, NCCU. In addition to a former broadcasting media professional, she worked at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore nearly one decade. Trisha is a mixed method researcher specializing in Asian new media domain. Her research interests include media innovations, user study and social impact, human-machine interaction, and health communication. Her recent research projects engage in impacts of socialbots, deepfakes and data innovations on politics, elections and public health. She is keen to work on interdisciplinary research projects with international collaborators. Invited to give talks in many noted academic institutes, Dr. Lin has produced hundreds of new media-related journal articles, book chapters, research reports, and peer-reviewed internationally conference papers. Besides the steering committee of Chinese Communication Association, she has served on the editorial board of several prestigious communication journals such as Human Communication ResearchTelecommunications Policy, Digital Journalism and Asian Journal of Communication. Meanwhile, she provides consultancy to broadcasting and new media industry in Taiwan. During her stay at the Harvard University, Trisha will be conducting research on infodemic crisis that investigates the complex relationships among health misinformation, digital literacy and trust in the United States and Taiwan.

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