LIU Houbin

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2000 to Jul 2001

University Affiliation (Current)

唐代選官政務研究(劉後濱著)A Study of Policy and Practice for Selecting Officials in the Tang Dynasty. Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Beijing, 2016.

日常秩序中的漢唐政治與社會(劉後濱主編) The Making of Political and Social Order in Medieval Chinese Daily Life, Social Sciences Academic Press (China), Beijing, 2012.

說唐太宗(劉後濱著)Talking about Taizong Emperor of Tang, Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe, Shanghai, 2008.

大唐開國(劉後濱等著)The Building of the Tang Empire, Zhong Hua Shu Ju, Beijing, 2007.

貞觀之治(劉後濱等著)The Golden Age Created by Emperor Taizong of Tang China, Dong Fang Chu Ban Zhong xin, Shanghai, 2006.

中國古代治國要論(紀寶成主編、劉後濱等著)A compendious review on the  state affairs management of pre-modern China (one of the main authors), China Renmin University Press, Beijing, 2004.

唐代中書門下體制研究(劉後濱著)A Study on the Political System of the Middle and Later Tang Dynasty, Qilu Shushe, Jinan, Shandong Province, 2004.

盛唐政治制度研究(吳宗國主編、劉後濱副主編)Study on Political System of High Tang (as second chief editor) , Shanghai Cishu Chubanshe, Shanghai, 2003.


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