LIU Jianhua

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Sep 1994 to Jun 1995

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Current Research Projects and Interests: Post-secular American fiction


《危机与探索——后现代美国小说研究》 (Exhaustion and Exploration: Postmodern American Fiction Studies) (2010)



《玛里琳•鲁宾逊小说的文化力量》 (Cultural Force of Marilynne Robinson’s Novels) (2014)

《修炼的境界——读萨尔兹曼的《夜不能寐》 (Reach of Cultivation: Reading Mark Salzman’s Lying Awake) (2014)

《上帝存在的文学理由——读〈上帝存在的36个理由:虚构作品〉》 (Literary Argument for the Existence of God: Reading Rebecca Newberger Goldstein’s 36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of Fiction) (2014)

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