PARK Jung-ku

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2008 to Jun 2009

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

Professor Park’s research interests are in the area of Chinese linguistics. Recently he has been carrying out extensive research into linguistic variations with theory of grammar from the linguistic typological perspective. His research concerns Chinese syntax, morphology and prosody, and Chinese pedagogical grammar in teaching Chinese as second language. His theory of grammar includes Linguistic Typology, Information Structure, Cognitive Grammar, Construction Grammar, Grammaticalization, and Semantic Map Theory.

Recent Publications

“Semantic Maps of Source-related Adpositions in Chinese Dialects” (Journal of Chinese Linguistics in Korea 71. 2017)

“A Study on Chinese Aspect System from Typological Prospective – Focused on Analysis of the Grammaticalization Path from Verbs to Perfective Markers” (Journal of the Korea Society for Chinese Studies 77. 2016)

“A Study on the Information Structure of Adjective Predicate from Typological Perspective” (Zhongguo Yuwen(中国语文) 373. 2016).

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