Peng Chunling
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2014 to Jun 2015
University Affiliation (Current)
Renmin University of China
University Affiliation
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Peng Chunling is Professor in the Department of History, Renmin University of China. She was previously an assistant professor at the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She received her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the Department of Chinese Language & Literature, Peking University from 1999 to 2011. From 2009 to 2010 she was a visiting scholar at The Institute of Oriental Culture, University of Tokyo, Japan. Her research interests include Chinese modern intellectual history, the history of Chinese modern literature, and modern East Asian cross-cultural studies.
Recent Publications
The Transformation of Confucianism and the New Culture Movement: focusing on Kang Youwei and Zhang Taiyan(1898-1927)(儒学转型与文化新命:以康有为、章太炎为中心(1898-1927))Beijing: Peking University Press, 2014.
“A New Study on the Debates Between Chen Duxiu and Kang Youwei about Confucianism Issues on the Magazine New Youth” (陈独秀与康有为孔教思想论争的历史重探), Journal of Peking University (Philosophy & Social Sciences) (《北京大学学报》), 2014/3, page 117-131.
“Zhang Taiyan’s Encounter with Meiji Japan Thought in Taiwan: Discussion on Similarities and Differences of Kang Youwei and Zhang Taiyan’s Political Ideas after 1898” (章太炎在台湾与明治日本思想的初遇————兼论戊戌后康有为、章太炎政治主张之异同), Modern Chinese History Studies (《近代史研究》) 2013/5.
“The Relations Between the Nationalism Intellectual Trend and the Asian Conception in Modern China” (근대 중국의 민족주의 사조와 아시아 구상의 관계), The Recognition and Communication Between Eastern and Western World in Modern Transformation Times (『근대전환기 동·서양의 상호인식과 지성의 교류』) , Seoul: Sunin Press, 2013, page 219-238.
“Lin Yutang and the National Language and Literature Movement in Modern China” (林语堂与现代中国的语文运动), Journal of Sun Yat-sen University Social Science Edition(《中山大学学报》社会科学版)2013/2, page 37-58.
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