Shida Taisei
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Indian Philosophy
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2013 to Jun 2014
University Affiliation (Current)
University of Tsukuba
University Affiliation
Kyoto University
Taisei Shida is an Assistant Professor at The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University. Among the broad corpus of Indian classics including religious scriptures, epics, poetry, and tantra, his main interest is in philosophical texts, such as arguments over the proof for the existence of God, ways to justify cognition, and the authorization of scripture. He received his M.A. (2001) and Ph.D. (2006) from the University of Tokyo. His current research focuses on the theory of the eternality of sound. He is aiming to edit an as yet unpublished chapter of a text of Mīmāṃsā school, which is representative of Brahmanic schools. The headstream of Buddhism and other ways of thinking that have been introduced to Japan can be cross-referenced by reading Indian classics. In order to better understand the history of thought in classical India, there is a need for basic philological research, such as editing and translating texts based on the Sanskrit manuscripts preserved in libraries in and outside of India.
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