SHIMA Mutsuhiko

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Sep 1986 to Jun 1987

University Affiliation (Current)

University Affiliation

I am currently writing a monograph based on my Ph.D. dissertation (1979), placing the ethnography of a Korean village during the mid-seventies in a historical perspective as derived from the records of various village associations that have recently been made available to me by the villagers. I am also working on a publication of the record of a Korean village association covering the period 1905-2010 with annotations as well as a commentarial article.University affiliations: Tohoku University (1996-2010)Seoul National University (2010-2011)Visiting Fellow, Academy of Korean Studies (2011-12)

『韓国社会の歴史人類学』、東京:風響社、2010.『韓国 道すがら』、東京:草風館、2006.The Anthropology of Korea: East Asian Perspectives, co-edited with Roger L.  Janelli, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 1998.

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