SUN Weiguo
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 2005 to Aug 2006
Feb 2010 to Aug 2010
University Affiliation (Current)
Nankai University
University Affiliation
Nankai University
Current Research Projects and Interests: China Historiography; Pre-modern Sino-Korean relation history; China Studies in USA
Recent Publications
1. “An Analysis of the ‘Little China’ Ideology of Chosŏn Korea”, The Frontier History of China (中国历史学前沿), 7(2), 2012, 220-239.
2. “Legend, Identity, and History: The Historiographic Creation and Evolution of Tangun Choson and Kija Choson”, Chinese Studies in History (China and Korea: Entangled Relations, edited by Q. Edward Wang and Sun Weiguo), 44:4 (Summer 2011), 20-46.
3. “Different Types of Scholar-Official in Sixteenth-Century China: The Interlaced Careers of Wang Shizhen and Zhang Juzheng”, Ming Studies, 53 (Spring, 2006), 4-50.
4. Wang Shizhen Shixue Yanjiu《王世贞史学研究》, Beijing: Renmin wenxue chubanshe, 2006.
5. Daming Qihao yu xiao zhonghua yishi: Chaoxian wangchao zunzhousiming wenti yanjiu,1637-1800《大明旗号与小中华意识:朝鲜王朝尊周思明问题研究,1637-1800》, Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan, 2007.
6. Mingqing shiqi zhongguo shixue dui chaoxian zhi yingxiang: jianlun liangguo xueshu jiaoliu yu haiwaihanxue《明清时期中国史学对朝鲜之影响:兼论两国学术交流与海外汉学》, Shanghai: Shanghai cishu chubanshe, 2009.
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