Wang Bei
Visiting Scholar
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2012 to Jun 2013
University Affiliation
Minzu University of China
Wang Bei is Associate Professor, Institute of Chinese Minority Languages, Minzu University of China. Her research focuses on the interface between information structure and prosody in many Chinese minority languages. She received her PhD from the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002. She has previously taught at the Institute of Linguistics, University of Potsdam, Germany and at Beijing Normal University.
Current Research Projects and Interests: Information structure, prosody, Chinese minority languages
Wang, B., Wang, L., & Qadir, T. (2011) Prosodic realization of focus in six languages/dialects in China. ICPhS 2011, Hong Kong. 1444-1447.
Wang, B., Xu, Y., & Xu, J. (2011) Prosodic realization of discourse topic in Mandarin Chinese:Comparing professional with non-professional speakers. ICPhS 2011, Hong Kong.
Wang, B. & Xu, Y. (2011) Differential prosodic encoding of topic and focus at sentence initial position in Mandarin Chinese, Journal of Phonetics. 39(4): 595-611 (SSCI 收录).
Wang, B., & Féry, C. (2012) Prosodic encoding of topic and focus and its influence on speech perception in split sentences of Chinese Putonghua. Chinese Journal of Acoustics. 31(1): 101-112.
Wang, L., Wang, B., Xu, Y. (2012) Prosodic encoding and perception of focus in Tibetan (Anduo Dialect) Speech Prosody 2012. Shanghai.
Zhang, X. X., Wang, B., Wu, Q. (2012) Prosodic realization of focus in statement and question of Tibetan (Lasa). Interspeech 2012. Portland, USA.
Wang, B., Li, C. X., Wu, Q., Zhang, X. X. Wang, B. F., (2012) Production and Perception of Focus in Hainan Tsat: Compared with Beijing Mandarin. Interspeech 2012. Portland, USA.
Xu, Y., Chen, S.-w., & Wang, B. (2012). Prosodic focus with and without post-focus compression (PFC): A typological divide within the same language family? The Linguistic Review, 29, 131-147.1.
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