Yao Yusheng
Doctoral Scholars
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Sep 1987 to Aug 1991
University Affiliation (Current)
Rollins College
University Affiliation
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Yusheng Yao is Associate Professor of History at Rollins College. Professor Yao’s research interests include twentieth-century Chinese history, especially the issue of modernity and cultural identity. He has published articles on modern Chinese history, literature, and contemporary politics in Modern China, the China Quarterly, Twentieth-Century China and the Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies.
Current Research Projects and Interests: Tao Xingzhi’s educational radicalism
Recent Publications
“Land Expropriation, Village Politics, Local and Central Governments” in China: An International Journal, Vol. 16, No.4 (Nov. 2018) 26-46.
“Village Elections and Rise of a New Elite” in Local Elites in Post-Mao China, ed. Yingjie Guo (London and New York: Routledge, 2018) 53-72.
“Elite Competition, Factionalism, and Strongman Governance in a Central China Village,” Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.26 No. 108 (Nov. 2017) 901-914.
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