Zheng Lu

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2021 to May 2022

University Affiliation (Current)

Zheng Lu is Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Schwarzman College, and RONG Professor of Data Science in Tsinghua University. His current research projects focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR), venture capital (VC) syndicate networks, corporate political embeddedness, and social governance reforms in China. Dr. Zheng’s academic papers have appeared in Strategical Management Journal, British Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Social Science Research, China Quarterly, Research in Political Sociology, Information Processing and Management, and Shehuixue Yanjiu (Sociological Research, the top sociological journal in Mainland China), etc. His books include Data you need to know about China: Research Report of China Household Finance Survey (2014, Springer) and Social Network Analysis: Methods and Examples (2017, SAGE Publications).

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