Joseph Siu Kam-wah (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
論文摘要: 本論文嘗試考察三輔在東漢帝國的社會、政治、經濟及國防戰略上的重要位置,澄清東漢諸帝管治三輔的立場和賦予京兆尹在畿內官制中的地位,從而具體分析東漢京兆尹履行郡守國相所掌的基本職務,以及其他的重要職務及臨時任務,由此窺見京兆尹跟皇帝和三輔豪強、舊族、儒士等地方政治社會勢力的親密關係,以及其在畿內西部的管治、國防外交乃至中央政治上所扮演的重要角色,進而說明東漢京兆尹多少繼承了西漢的畿輔長官地位,兼具中央官和地方官的雙重性格。
Abstract: This paper analyzes the social, political, economic and strategical importance of Sanfu, the western metropolitan area in the Eastern Han Empire, and the governance of Sanfu and the role of Jingzhao Yin, the western metropolitan governor in the Eastern Han bureaucracy. It illustrates that Jingzhao Yin effectively performed the basic duties of prefectural magistrate (Jun Shou) and minister of principalities (Guo Xiang) and other significant duties as well as ad hoc tasks. Jingzhao Yin maintained close relationships with the emperor, the local power and gentry as well as the Confucian scholars. Jingzhao Yin played an active role in the governance of the western metropolitan area and national defense, diplomacy as well as the central politics. Therefore, Jingzhao Yin still kept the status of the metropolitan governor and had the characters of both the central official and local official to a certain extent in the Eastern Han like the Western Han.
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