Issue 43, Vol.16 No.1
Beijing: 商务印书馆, 2022
- Liu Dong, “Boomerang” Caused by “Civilization Dichotomy”: Continuing the Deep Thoughts of Martin Powers’ East in the West
- Haun Saussy, On Paul Claudel’s The East I Know (1900)
- Elizabeth J. Perry, Working Team: Sinicization of Soviet Experience
- Hartmut Leppin, Christianity and the Discovery of Religious Freedom
- P. J. Rhodes, Diodorus Siculus and the Chronology of the Pentekontaetia
- Xu Xiangdong, Leibniz on Contingency and Freedom
- Lei Siwen, Rousseau on Theodicy and Man’s Self-Salvation
- Ma Yong, A Distant Receding Figure: Further Review of the Negotiation between China and Britain on Burma
- Roger Des Forges, Li Yan: Chinese Literati, Rebels and Counsellor (1606–2016)
- Yuri Pines, Katheryn Linduf, Charles Sanft and Robert Eno, Reviews on Bureaucracy and the State in Early China: Governing the Western Zhou
- Li Duo, Reading Notes of Lothar von Falkenhausen’s Review on Bureaucracy and the State in Early China: Governing the Western Zhou
- Li Feng, Method, Logic, and the Debate about Western Zhou Government: A Reply to Lothar von Falkenhausen
Book reviews
- Hoyt Cleveland Tillman and Christian Soffel, Cultural Authority and Political Culture in China: Exploring Issues with the Zhongyong and the Daotong during the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties (Fang Yao)
- Robert Ford Campany, Making Transcendents: Ascetics and Social Memory in Early Medieval China (Gu Xuan)
- Gerald Gauss, The Tyranny of the Ideal (Fan Zhenya)
- Jeffrey H. Jackson, Paris Under Water: How the City of Light Survived the Great Flood of 1910 (Liu Dong)
- Louis Menand, The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University (Liu Jiahui)
- Mark William Roche, Why Choose the Liberal Arts? (Guo Jingyan)
- Robert W. Witkin, Art and Social Structure (Liu Yang)
- Victoria D. Alexander, Marilyn Rueschemeyer, Art and the State: The Visual Art in Comparative Perspective (Zhao Qing)
- Diana Crane, The Transformation of the Avant-Garde (Xiang Haoyuan)
- Michel Serres, The Five Senses: A Philosophy of Mingled Bodies (Xu Ming)
- 刘 东 “文明二分”造成的“飞去来器”:接续包华石《西中有东》的深思
- 苏源熙 克洛岱尔1900年的《认识东方》
- 裴宜理 工作队:苏联经验的中国化
- 哈特穆特·莱平 基督教与宗教自由的发现
- P. J. 罗德斯 西西里的狄奥多罗斯与五十年时期的年代问题
- 徐向东 莱布尼茨论偶然性与自由
- 雷思温 卢梭论神义论与人的自我拯救
- 马 勇 远去的背影:中英缅甸交涉再检讨
- 戴福士 李岩:中国文人、反叛者和谋士(1606—2016)
- 尤锐、林嘉琳、陈力强、伊若泊 有关《西周的政体:中国早期的官僚制度和国家》的评议
- 李 朵 读罗泰评《西周的政体:中国早期的官僚制度和国家》所记
- 李 峰 方法论、逻辑和有关西周政府的争论:对罗泰的回应
- 方 遥 “传统”之外的《中庸》与道统叙述——评《文化权力与政治文化——宋金元时期的〈中庸〉与道统问题》
- 顾 漩 仙与人间:康儒博与修仙的学问——评《修仙:古代中国的修行与社会记忆》
- 范震亚 一种非理想主义的正义观——评《理想带来的暴政》
- 刘 东 对于风险的有意遗忘——评《水下巴黎》
- 刘佳慧 大学体制如何配伍时代召唤——评《观念的市场:美国大学的改革与阻力》
- 郭敬燕 博雅教育的三重价值及其现实意义——评《为什么选择博雅教育》
- 刘 扬 艺术史研究中的社会学视角——评《艺术与社会结构》
- 赵 卿 国家视域下的“艺术界”——评《艺术与国家: 比较视野中的视觉艺术》
- 向浩源 实证研究视野下的先锋艺术风格嬗变——评《先锋派的转型》
- 徐 明 科学与官能相融合的感性之学——评《五感:一种混合身体的哲学》
About the journal: China Scholarship 中國學術 (2000 – ) is published biannually. The editor is Liu Dong.