Issue 44, Vol.16 No.2
Beijing: 商务印书馆, 2023
- Luc Brisson, The Notion of Phthonos in Plato
- Wang Wei, Hobbes against Aristotle on Liberty and Causation
- Michael Slote, The Necessary Uniformity of Nature
- Yang Lang, Transient Balance: The “Light” and “Heavy” in There is a Dark Cloud in the Sky
- Xiao Chi, Chinese Characters and “Landscape Poetry”: A Linguistic Approach
- Sun Xuetang, A New Approach to Sikong Tu’s Theory on “Charm Beyond Verve”
- Chen Shuai, From Dignāga to “ Nāgārjuna”: A New Discovered Qing Commentary on the Chinese Version of the Nyāyapraveśa by Huishan
- Mao Yufan, The Transformation of The Store-consciousness (ālaya-vijñāna) and Its Construction of External World in Cheng Weishi Lun
- Liu Dong, How to Understand “Sinicization”: On the Issue of “Qianlong’s Touring in Jiangnan
- Hsu Hong, The Origin and Meaning of the Title “Daming” of Ming Dynasty
- Li Ke, Rectification of Political Names and Manners of Phonetic Exegesis in Confucianism of Han Dynasty
Book Reviews
- Steve Vanderheiden, Political Theory and Global Climate Change (Yu Hong)
- Paul Robbins, Political Ecology: A Critical Introduction (Lu Zhaoyu)
- Paul Collier, The Plundered Planet: Why We Must-and How We Can-Manage Nature for Global Prosperity (Guo Junwei)
- Peter Dauvergne, The Shadows of Consumption: Consequences for the Global Environment (Zhao Bowen)
- Jürgen Osterhammel, Die Entzauberung Asiens: Europa und die asiatischen Reiche im 18. Jahrhundert (Xin Zhihui)
- Zhong Han, Reinterpreting Inner Asian History (Feng Lijun)
- Edward L. Shaughnessy, Chinese Annals in the Western Observatory: An Outline Sinology’s Contributions to the Study of Chinese Unearthed Texts (He Yuhua)
- Joachim Kurtz, The Discovery of Chinese Logic (Chen Shuai)
- Seonmin Kim, Ginseng and Borderland: Territorial Boundaries and Political Relations Between Qing China and Choson Korea,1636-1912 (Chi Xiang)
- Xue Haibo, 5-6 Century Six Garrisons in the North Powerful Emirates Elites Evolution of Social Status (Liao Jitian)
- 吕克·布里松 柏拉图论嫉羡(Phthonos)
- 王 纬 霍布斯和亚里士多德论因果性与人的自由
- 迈克尔·斯洛特 自然的必然齐一性
- 杨 朗 稍纵即逝的平衡——《天边有一块乌云》中的“轻”与“重”
- 萧 驰 方块字与“山水诗”——一个语言进路的探讨
- 孙学堂 司空图“韵外之致”说新探
- 陈 帅 从陈那到“龙树”:新见清代慧善《因明入正理论略疏》评析
- 茅宇凡 《成唯识论》的阿赖耶识转变说及其对外部世界之构建
- 刘 东 如何看待汉化——也谈“乾隆下江南”的问题
- 徐 泓 明朝国号“大明” 的缘由及意义
- 李 科 以名为政与依声立说:汉代经学的正名与声训问题
- 于 洪 全球气候问题治理的困境与出路——评《政治理论与全球气候变化》
- 卢兆瑜 政治生态学的学科定位与研究谱系——评《政治生态学》
- 郭军伟 保罗·科利尔对自然伦理观的省思——评《被掠夺的星球》
- 赵博文 消费何以影响环境——评《消费的阴影:对全球环境的影响》
- 辛智慧 18世纪欧洲思想光谱中的亚洲叙事——评《亚洲的去魔化:18世纪的欧洲与亚洲帝国》
- 冯立君 内亚史研究的谱系——评《重释内亚史:以研究方法论的检视为中心》
- 何余华 他山之石,异域之眼——评《西观汉记:西方汉学出土文献研究概要》
- 陈 帅 中国逻辑学何来——评《中国逻辑的发现》
- 池 翔 人参与清代中朝关系的物质维度——评《人参与边疆:清代中朝边界和政治关系(1636—1912)》
- 廖基添 注重实证 多元观察——评《5—6世纪北边六镇豪强酋帅社会地位演变研究》
About the journal: China Scholarship 中國學術 (2000 – ) is published biannually. The editor is Liu Dong.