
Enchantment and Disenchantment: Pico’s Thoughts on Magic and the Birth of the Modern World


Wu Gongqing 吴功青

Beijing: Sanlian (SDX & Harvard-Yenching Academic Library), 2023

About the book: 文艺复兴向来被视为现代世界的开端。如马克斯·韦伯所言,这是一个高度除魔的世界,彻底沦为理性化、均质化甚至机械化的物理世界。本书从韦伯的命题以及与之相关的科学史论述出发,围绕文艺复兴哲学代表人物皮科·米兰多拉展开研究,检讨“世界的除魔”这一现代性特征在文艺复兴时期的发端。


Chapter 1: Freedom and Deification

  1. The Indetermination of Human
  2. Freedom of Self-fashioning
  3.  Freedom towards God
  4. Freedom and Grace

Chapter 2: Natural Magic

  1. Natural Philosophy and Natural Magic
  2. The Book of Nature
  3. Sympathy of the Universe
  4. Magus as the Microcosm
  5.  Nature and Miracles
  6. Summary: Natural Magic and Enchantment of Human

Chapter 3: Cabbalistic Magic

  1. Pico and Kabbalah
  2. Magic and Kabbalah
  3. Cabbalistic Magic and the Ascent of Human
  4. Summary: Cabbalistic Magic and Enchantment of Human

Chapter 4: Refuting Astrology: Freedom and Disenchantment

  1. The Great Chain of Being: from Ancient Greece to Middle Ages
  2. Ficino: the Accommodationist of Astrology
  3. Defending the Freedom: Pico’s Refutation of Astrology
  4. Disenchantment: from Astrology to Modern Astronomy
  5. Summary: Freedom and Nature

Chapter 5: Magic, Science and Theology

  1. Yates and Her Critics
  2. Magic: Contemplation and Operation
  3. Magic: Operation toward the World
  4. Magic and Theology
  5. From Magic to Modern Science

Conclusion: “The Disenchantment of The World” and the Triple Crisis of Modernity
Appendix 1: Being and One: Pico Mirandola on the Reconciliation of Plato and Aristotle
Appendix 2: Revolution and Crisis: Pico’s Discussion on Human Dignity and Personal Freedom—A Criticism on Charles Trinkaus
Appendix 3: Significance and Methods: Conceptual Reflections on The Studies of Renaissance Philosophy
Chronology of Pico Mirandola’s life

About the series: The SDX and HYI Academic Series 三联·哈佛燕京学术丛书 began in 1994. It is edited by Feng Jinhong (assisted by Yang Le) and is expected to publish 6 titles per year.