Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies
June 2020
Research Articles:
A Monk for All Seasons: Visions of Jien (1155–1225) in Medieval Japan (Michael McCarty)
The Memory of an Assassin and Problems of Legitimacy in the Wang Jingwei Regime (1940–1945) (Zhiyi Yang)
Industry and Its Motivations: Reading Tang Xianzu’s Examination Essay on the Problem of Excess Cloth (Alexander Des Forges)
If Not Philosophy, What Is Xinxue 心學? (Tina Lu)
Review Essays:
Material Culture and Fashion in Tang China and Beyond (Rebecca Doran)
Footbinding in Economic Context: Rethinking the Problems of Affect and the Prurient Gaze (Melissa J. Brown)
16 Book Reviews
To view the full table of contents, visit the HJAS website.
About HJAS: Founded in 1936 under the auspices of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, the Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies (HJAS) has without interruption pursued its mission to disseminate original, outstanding research and book reviews on the humanities in Asia, focusing at present on the areas of China, Japan, Korea, and Inner Asia.
For a complete run of back issues online, with a five-year moving wall, see JSTOR. Starting with Volume 69 (2009), issues are also available through Project MUSE. For more information, please visit the HJAS official website.