
Woodcut Illustrations to the 16-17 Century Chinese Drama Books


Dong Jie

Zhejiang People’s Fine Arts Publishing House 浙江人民美术出版社, 2022

Publisher’s website

About the book: 版画作为中国艺术的一个重要分支,在明代万历中后期起,进入最为绚烂的阶段。明代也是戏曲发展的繁荣阶段,《牡丹亭》《义侠记》《红梅记》等大批名作均诞生于此时,元杂剧和南戏代表作《西厢记》《琵琶记》等作为戏曲创作的范例,被不断刊行。版画与戏曲的诗化、写意、象征进行互动交融,出现了许多精品。



Woodcut Illustrations to the 16-17 Century Chinese Drama Books (with Commentary), compiled by Prof. Dong Jie,  consists of 7 volumes. The first 5 volumes include selected woodcut illustrations to 98 drama books. The last 2 volumes are concertina binding forms, which respectively record Ling Yingchu’s Qian Qiu Jue Yan Tu 千秋絶艷圖 and Min Qiji’s Huizhen Tu 會眞圖. In all aspects of paper, printing and binding, this book aims to restore ancient books, thus providing images that are closest to the original works for the study of the history of printmaking, so that readers can appreciate the elegant taste of the ancients which can be defined as the concept of “books as art”. Each volume is accompanied “Commentaries by Woodcut Research Studio” (Zaoli Gongfang Zazhui 棗梨工房雜綴), which provides a detailed analysis of the selected woodcut illustrations.

An interview with Prof. Dong, in which he discusses the publication and also his stay at Harvard-Yenching, has been posted on the CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Art) website.

About the author: Dong Jie was a HYI Art History Training Program Visiting Scholar from 2010-11.