Held at Central China Normal University (CCNU), Wuhan from November 14-15, 2020
Links to video (Youtube):
- Remarks from Professor Zhang Kaiyuan
- 《回到兰安生:公共卫生价值再审视》 Back to John Black Grant: Rethinking the Value of Public Health (张大庆 Zhang Daqing)
- 《从旧西医到新西医——以<泰西人身说概>和<人身图说>在19世纪的在发现为中心》From Old Western Medicine to New Western Medicine–Focusing on the Rediscovery of “Taixi Renshen Shuogai” and “Renshen Tushuo” in the 19th Century (余新忠 Yu Xinzhong)
- 《傅乐仁与湖北孝感麻风病院》Henry Fowler and the Xiaogan Leper Home in Hubei, China (苏精 Su Ching)
- 《致命手术:何鲁事件的史实史料与历史叙事——19 世纪东印度公司在华医疗慈善研究》Fatal Operation: Historical Facts and Narration of “Sad Hoo Loo”—— A study on the Medical Charity of East Indian Company in the 19th Century China (高晞 Gao Xi)
- 《天主教与政府合作开办大型医疗机构可能性探索:以广东石龙麻风病院为案例》On the Possibilities of the Collaboratively Establishing Grand Medical Institution between the Catholic and Government: A Case Study of Sheklung Leprosy Hospital of Guangdong (康志杰 Kang Zhijie)
- 《国际视野与本土经验:济南麻风疗养院(1926-1948)之研究》International Perspective and Local Experience: A Case Study of Tsinan Leper Hospital (1926-1948) (刘家峰 Liu Jiafeng)
- 《近代中国、印度女子医学传教比较研究(1869-1919)——以美国女医学传教士为例》Comparative Study on Woman’s Medical Missions in Modern China and India: A Case of American Woman Medical Missionaries (李传斌 Li Chuanbin)
- 《从道德教化到政治参与:国际宣教会与1920 年代的国际禁毒运动》From Moral Education to Political Participation: International Missionary Council and International Anti-drug movement in the 1920s (张勇安 Zhang Yongan)
- 《西式助产术在清末中国之初传(1840-1911)》The Introduction of Western Midwifery in China, 1840-1911 (李明慧 Li Minghui)
- 《满秀实——最早把产科教育传入中国西南的教会医生》Marion. E. Manly: the First Medical Missionary Who Introduced Obstetric Education to Southwest China (彭宗卫 Peng Zongwei)
Links to select papers presented at the workshop:
- Edward Hume and the Harvard-Yenching Institute: The Positive Power of Friendship (Elizabeth J. Perry)
- Scheduling the Blind and Deaf of China: Mary West Niles (1854-1931), Annetta Thompson Mills (1853-1929), and the Missionary Frame of Mind (abstract only) (Ellen Widmer)
- The Great Forgetting (Shigehisa Kuriyama)
This event was hosted by Institute of Modern Chinese History, CCNU, the Harvard-Yenching Institute and JNU-ICS, Delhi