HYI Alumni News: Winter 2024-25

Alumni News

Congratulations to our alumni on their recent honors, promotions, and publications!

PK Anand (Urban Studies Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2016-17) is now Assistant Editor of the journal China Report, published by Sage. Bhim Subba (Chinese Studies in India Visiting Fellow, 2016-17) is the Book Reviews Editor.

Jack Meng-Tat Chia (RSEA Fellow, 2009-12) is the author of 《東南亞法音:新加坡佛教研究論集》 (Southeast Asia’s Dharma: Essays on Buddhism in Singapore), published by Boyang Wenhua 博揚文化.

Wenjuan Jia (Grassroots Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2011-12; Associate, 2021-22) has been promoted to Professor in the School of Sociology and Political Science, Shanghai University.

Fiona Lee (Asia in World Literature Training Program Visiting Scholar, 2024-25) is author of “Malaysian Literature in English, Global Anglophone Literature? Imagining (a) Race out of English” and “Language Stories” in Global Asias: Tactics & Theories (Tina Chen and Charlotte Eubanks, eds.), published by the University of Hawai’i Press.

Jules Zhao Liu (Chinese Politics Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2016-17) is co-author (with Prynne Yan Liu) of “Building Symbolic Capital through International Cultural Exchange: A Study of Gao Jianfu’s South Asian Art Tour” in Journal of Asian Studies 84.1, February 2025.

Roger Shih-Chieh Lo (Visiting Scholar, 2019-20) is author of〈陳儀治閩政策之檢驗:以福安縣長高誠學(1898-1943)為例〉(Examining Chen Yi’s Governance of Fujian: A discussion centered on Fuan county magistrate Gao Chengxue (1898-1943)) in 《中央研究院近代史研究所集刊》Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica,第125期 (2024.09), p. 99-144, and〈靈魂攝影與地方政治:以1918年徐定超船難後的溫州為中心〉(Spirit photography and local politics: the case study of Xu, Dingchao and the aftermath of the Puji shipwreck in 1918)in《新史學》New History, 35卷4期 (2024.12), p. 59-121.

Billy K. L. So (Visiting Scholar 1996-97; Associate 2018) is the co-author of 近代企業的商道、商術與商法:東京金港堂與上海商務印書館雜識 (1875~1930) (Morality, Rationality, and Legality of Modern Corporation: Tōkyō Kinkōdō and Shanghai Commercial Press (1875-1930)), published by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, June 2024, and the co-author of 有法無天:從加藤弘之、霍姆斯到吳經熊的叢林憲法觀 (Law Without Heaven: Darwinian Constitutionalism from Katō Hiroyuki and Justice Oliver Holmes to John C. H. Wu), published by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, July 2023.  He is also the co-editor of 霍姆斯與百年中西法學 (Justice Oliver Holmes and Jurisprudence in China and the West Since the Last Century), published by the Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, December 2021.

Kaiping Zhang (Visiting Scholar, 2024-25) is co-author (with Zijing Zhao) of “The Rule of Discourse: How Ideas and Institutions Shape China’s COVID Policy” in Journal of Contemporary China.

Zhou Yi (Coordinate Research Scholar, 2007-08 and 2023-24) is author of “Morality and symbolism: the “Bitterness Narratives” of the small business owners in Yiwu, China” in American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 2024.

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