Fan Kun
Visiting Scholar
Field of Study
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2012 to Jun 2013
University Affiliation (Current)
University of New South Wales
University Affiliation
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fan Kun is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has studied and worked in China, Singapore, U.S.A., Switzerland, France and Hong Kong, and speaks Chinese, English and French. She received her LL.B. degree from China Foreign Affairs University, LL.M. degrees from New York University and Paris XII University, and PhD degree (summa cum laude) from Geneva University. Her doctoral dissertation “The Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration in China Measured by Transnational Standards __ A Legal, Cultural, Philosophical, Political and Economic Analysis” was awarded the Best Thesis in International Studies by the Swiss Network for International Studies Award 2011. Her research focuses on alternative dispute resolution and cultural study of law. She is called to the New York Bar, a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, an Accredited Mediator and a Domain Names Panelist of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Center.
Recent Publications
Arbitration in China: A Legal and Cultural Analysis, Hart Publishing, 2013.
“Glocalisation of Arbitration: Transnational Standards Struggling with Local Norms”, Harvard Negotiation Law Review (2013), forthcoming.
“The Risks of Apparent Bias When An Arbitrator Act As a Mediator__Remarks on Hong Kong Court’s Decision in Gao Haiyan”, Yearbook of Private International Law (2011), vol. 13, pp. 535-556.
“Prospects of Foreign Arbitration Institutions Administering Arbitration in China”, 28 Journal of International Arbitration 4 (2011), pp.343-353.
“Arbitration in China_Practice, Legal Obstacles, and Reforms” (in English and French), 19 ICC International Court of Arbitration Bulletin 2 (2008), pp. 25-40.
“Integrating Mediation into Arbitration: Why It Works In China?”, 25 Journal of International Arbitration 4 (2008), pp. 479-492. (with Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler)
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