Nguyen Tuan Cuong
Nguyễn Tuấn Cường / 阮俊强

Field of Study

Years of Stay at HYI

Aug 2013 to Jun 2014

Dr. Nguyen Tuan Cuong received his Ph.D. from the Graduate Academy of Social Sciences (Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences – VASS). He currently teaches Sinology, Literary Sinitic, and Vietnamese Nôm Script at the Department of Literature, Vietnam National University-Hanoi (VNU). He focuses on Vietnamese Sinology, Vietnamese classical linguistics and graphology, the translation and reception of Confucian classics in medieval Vietnam, primary education in medieval Vietnam, and Confucianism in Vietnam. He has published an individual monograph on Nôm Script (2012), an academic translation book on Chinese Sinology (2010), five co-authored books in Vietnamese and Korean, and 25 articles in Vietnamese, Chinese, and English. He was awarded the Young Nom Scholar Award by the USA’s Vietnamese Nom Preservation Foundation in 2010. Dr. Nguyen participated in the “Japanese-Language Program for Specialists in Cutural and Academic Fields” from September 2011 to March 2012 under the sponsorship of the Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute in Kansai, Japan.

Recent Publications


[2013] 『베트남 문화의 오디세이』 (Vietnam Odyssey), [co-author]. Seoul: Bookorea (in Korean).

[2012] The Struture of Vietnamese Nom Script: Continuance and Mutation, Hanoi: Vietnam National University-Hanoi Publishing House (individual monograph in Vietnamese).

[2010] Chinese Sinology in the 20th Century (Graphology, Linguistics, Philology, Education, Thoughts, Philosophy), [collect, translate, annotate]. Hanoi: Vietnam National University-Hanoi Publishing House, 2010 (translate from Chinese and English to Vietnamese).

[2007] A Bibliography of Vietnamese Confucianism [co-author]. Hanoi: Social Sciences Publishing House (in Vietnamese).


[2014] “Sinological Education in a Sociocultural Turn: The Historical Fate of the Sinology Institute (1959-1965) in South Vietnam,” Sonja Meiting Huang ed., Southeast Asian Sinology: The Past and Present, New Taipei: Fu Jen University Press, 2014, pp. 91-128.


[2014] “Reestablishment of Human Nature and Social Morality: A Study of the Anniversary of Confucius’ Birthday in South Vietnam 1955-1975.″ Paper for the International Conference in Commemorating the 2565th Anniversary of Confucius’ Birthday, Beijing 24-27 September, 2014.

[2014] 《三字经在古代越南的注释、翻译与影响》,第四届世界汉学大会,北京2014年9月6-7日。[“The Annotation, Translation, and Influence of the Sanzijing in Premodern Vietnam.” Paper for The 4th World Conference on Sinology, Beijing, September 6-7, 2014]

[2013]. “Primary Textbooks for Classical Chinese in Premodern Vietnam: The Case of Sanzijing (三字經)”. Paper for to the international conference “Pedagogical access to the cosmopolitan code in the Sinographic Cosmopolis: Evidence from mokkan to the 20th century,” hosted jointly by Waseda University’s Ajia Kenkyu Kikō (アジア研究機構) and University of British Columbia’s Department of Asian Studies, Tokyo, Japan, June 2013.

[2013].《文字、语言与思想的本土化:关于古代越南儒家经典翻译问题》, 于上海2013年3月举办的“第五届世界中国学论坛”论文。(“Localizing Script, Language and Thought: On the Issue of Translating Confucian Classics in Medieval Vietnam”. Paper for The 5th World Conference on China Studies, Shanghai, China, March 2013.)

[2012].《朱子学在越南的沿革:从〈四书章句集注〉到〈四书约解〉》, 于北京2012年12月由中国海外汉学研究中心举办的“中国古代文化经典在海外的传播及影响研究——以二十世纪為中心”研讨会论文。(“The Development of Zhuxi Studies in Vietnam: From Sishu Zhangju Jizhu to Tứ Thư Ước Giải”, Paper for The International Conference on Chinese Classics in Global Context, Beijing, China, December 2012.)

[2012].《经学与文学:〈诗经〉在古代越南的翻译与接受》, 于北京2012年11月由中国人民大学举办的“第三届世界汉学大会”论文。(“Confucianism and Literature: The Translation and Reception of The Classic of Poetry in Medieval Vietnam”, Paper for The 3rd World Conference on Sinology, Beijing, China, November 2012.)

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