Zhu Mengwen
Visiting Fellow
Field of Study
Chinese Literature
Years of Stay at HYI
Aug 2014 to Dec 2015
University Affiliation (Current)
Hong Kong Baptist University
University Affiliation
University of Hong Kong
Zhu Mengwen is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Chinese at the University of Hong Kong. She obtained her master’s degree in Chinese literature from Fudan University, and before that a dual-degree of B.M. and B.A. from Renmin University of China. Working primarily on early medieval Chinese literature, her research interests include classical poetry and poetics, Chinese literary theories and cultural history, Chinese court culture and literary production, as well as regional cultural differences and literary interaction. Her dissertation explores the Chinese literary map in the second half of the sixth century — the late period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties — by examining the war-forced relocation of literary figures, the rise and fall of political and cultural powers, and the changed dynamics in literary production and literary circles.
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