HYI Alumni News: Spring 2024

Alumni News

Congratulations to our alumni on their recent honors, promotions, and publications!

Hao Tianhu (Visiting Scholar, 2023-24) is author of “On the Publication of Mary Wroth’s Urania (1621).” ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, online first, March 18, 2024 and editor of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, No. 9. Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press, 2023. He is also co-author (with Shu Hao) of the articles “Spenser and Medievalist Fantasy: On the Intertextual Relationship between The Faerie Queene and Harry Potter Novels” in Journal of Humanities across the Straits 4.1 (2024) and “A Philosophical Mode of Scientific Fancy: The Blazing World’s Science-Fictional Poetics” in Language Education no. 2, 2024. He is author of “Impressions of My Visit to Harvard” in Popular Tribune no. 5, 2024: 50-52.

Huck-ju Kwon (Visiting Scholar, 2013-14) was recently elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Science in the United Kingdom.

An interview with Jules Liu Zhao (Chinese Politics Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2017-18), in which he discusses his article “Improvisation, collective structure, and culture change: A theory of bricolage,” was recently published by Anthropological Theory Commons.

Trang Phan (Visiting Scholar, 2020-21) is co-author (with Giang Vu) of “Wh-questions in Japanese: Challenges for Vietnamese L2 learners” in Acta Linguistica Asiatica, 14(1).

Trang Phan (Visiting Scholar, 2020-21), Nguyen Tuan Cuong (Visiting Scholar, 2013-14) and Masaaki Shimizu are editors of Studies in Vietnamese Historical Linguistics: Southeast and East Asian Contexts (Springer Nature, August 2024). The volume is a product of a workshop sponsored by the Harvard Yenching Institute held at the Institute of Sino-Nom Studies.

Theara Thun (NUS-HYI Joint Doctoral Scholar, 2012-16) is author of Epistemology of the Past: Texts, History, and Intellectuals Of Cambodia, 1855–1970 (University of Hawaii Press, 2024). He is also author of the articles “Post-conflict higher education and transnational politics at a crossroads: a new Vietnamese language studies program faces protests in Cambodia” in Studies in Higher Education and co-author (with Duong Keob) of “Ethnocentrism of Victimhood: Tracing the Discourses of Khmer Ethnicity in Precolonial and Colonial Cambodia” in Asian Studies Review.

Jie Wu (HYI Chinese Politics Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2018-19) is author of “Patient Group Advocacy in China: Local Activism and Translocal Networks” in The China Journal.

Dadui Yao (Visiting Fellow, 2011-12) is author of “The Images of Jesus and the Virgin Mary in the Early Qing Collection of Taoist Immortal Stories” in a special issue of Religions on “Texts, Interpretations, and Reception Histories in Chinese Christianity.”

Rosa Yi (NUS-HYI Joint Scholarship Program, 2021-2025) is co-author (w/ W.N. Green) of “Intensifying translocal precarity: The impact of COVID-19 on smallholder farmers’ commodity production and social reproduction in Cambodia” in Area (2024).

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