HYI Alumni News: Spring-Summer 2022

Alumni News

Congratulations to our alumni on their recent honors, promotions, and publications!

Dong Jie (Art History Training Program Visiting Scholar, 2010-11) is author of 中国古代戏曲版画菁华 (Woodcut Illustrations to the 16-17 Century Chinese Drama Books). An interview with Prof. Dong, in which he discusses the publication and also his stay at Harvard-Yenching, has been posted on the CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Art) website.

Hideaki Fujiki (Visiting Scholar, 2006-07) is author of Making Audiences: A Social History of Japanese Cinema and Media (Oxford University Press, 2022).

Hiro Fujimoto (Visiting Fellow, 2016-17)’s book, 医学とキリスト教: 日本におけるアメリカ・プロテスタントの医療宣教 (Medicine and Christianity: American Protestant Missionaries and their Medical Work in Japan), was awarded the 2022 Yakazu Medical History Award by the Japanese Society for the History of Medicine in April 2022.

Lim Jie-Hyun (Visiting Scholar, 2002-03) is author of Global Easts: Remembering, Imagining, Mobilizing (Columbia University Press, 2022); 『희생자의식민족주의 Victimhood Nationalism-A Global History』 (Humanist, 2021); and Mnemonic Solidarity-Global Interventions (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2021, co-edited with Eve Rosenhaft).

Hoang-Yen Nguyen (Visiting Scholar, 2020-21) is author of 1849-1877年間越南燕行錄之研究 (Study on Vietnamese Envoys’ Travel Writings to China from 1849 to 1877).

Nguyen To Lan (Visiting Scholar, 2013-14 and Coordinate Research Scholar, 2015) is author of “‘Body Borrowed, Soul Returned’: An Adaptation of a Chinese Buddhist Miraculous Tale into a Vietnamese Classic Theatrical Script” in Ecologies of Translation in East and South East Asia, 1600-1900 (Li Guo, Patricia Sieber, and Peter Kornicki, eds.), published by Amsterdam University Press, 2022.

Trang Phan (Visiting Scholar, 2020-21) is co-editor (with John Phan & Mark Alves) of a special issue of the Journal of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society on “Vietnamese Linguistics: State of the field.” This volume contains 10 papers from the workshop “Vietnamese Linguistics, Typology and Language Universals” of the Harvard-Yenching Institute on April 16-17, 2021.

Shen Yang (Chinese Politics Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2018-19) and Fengshi Wu (Visiting Scholar, 2008-09) are co-authors of “From Online Mass Incidents to Defiant Enclaves: Political Dissent on China’s Internet” in The China Journal, 87(1).

Song Lihong (Visiting Scholar, 2020-21) is co-editor (with Kathryn Hellerstein) of China and Ashkenazic Jewry: Transcultural Encounters (De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022).

Sun Rui (Linguistic and Semiotic Anthropology Training Program Visiting Fellow, 2021-22) is author of “Yunnan flowers: storying cross-species love beyond metaphors,” in European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, Volume 58 (2022).

Veda Vaidyanathan (Chinese Studies In India Program Visiting Fellow, 2016-17) will be a Visiting Research Scholar in the 2022-23 Fung Global Fellows Program at Princeton University.

Zhang Longxi (HYI Doctoral Scholar, 1983-87) is contributor/co-editor of the four-volume series Literature: A World History. The series is under the general editorship of David Damrosch and Gunilla Lindberg-Wada. Professor Zhang wrote the entire history of Chinese literature divided in the four volumes and also edited volume 3, which covers the world’s literature from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Prof. Zhang is also author of A History of Chinese Literature, which will be published by Routledge in November 2022.

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